"To bring in, build up and send out followers of Jesus Christ to the glory of God"
We are a varied group of people who want to share the good news of Jesus with as many as we can and at the same time seek to serve others in His name in practical ways too. We have a particular commitment to the people and the area of the city around our church building, but we also want to be of blessing to the wider community of Inverness and, wherever possible, beyond that too.
When we gather on a Sunday the Bible is central, believing that as His Word is explained and applied, God makes himself and his ways known by his Spirit. We enjoy praising God through a mixture of older and newer hymns and songs. Prayer too is a crucial part of our life together as a church family and we want to do all we can to encourage prayerfulness individually and together. We love welcoming new people among us, whether those who have faith or those seeking or sceptical. We would love to meet you.
Live Stream - you can watch the morning gathering live at 10.30am on the Website, YouTube channel and Facebook page. Previous morning services videos are available to watch on our YouTube channel and audio recordings of sermons can be found on the Sermons tab.